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2024 General Election

Special Edition Newsletter

With a UK General Election announced for 4th July, we've made a special edition of our newsletter to tell you what Zero Carbon Harrogate is doing to engage with candidates and showcase a range of useful resources for you. 

Please click on any image to view this newsletter in full and access the links.

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Our General Election Statement

We've outlined what we want to see from all candidates running to be the next MP for the Harrogate and Knaresborough constituency.

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ZCH Events

We held a public hustings event and have filmed conversations with some of the candidates for the Harrogate and Knaresborough constituency. 

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General Election Hustings event

Wednesday19th June

At the Wesley Chapel in Harrogate town centre on Wednesday 19th June, at 7.30pm, we held a lively debate with five out of the seven candidates for the Harrogate and Knaresborough constituency. We asked about their climate policies and what they plan to do to tackle decarbonisation.

If you couldn't make it on the night but you'd like to watch the recording filmed by local journalist Tim Cook, we've linked the video here, which you can also find on YouTube.

Watch the recording

A special opportunity to get to know the candidates:

ZCH in conversation with....

We've done something special for you to get to know the Harrogate and Knaresborough candidates better: we've organised a series of online conversations with the candidates which you can watch now. 


Please click on any of the images below to watch the conversations we've had so far. 

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We'll post climate-related information and news related to the general election here. 

Open letter to UK political parties signed by

over 400 leading UK climate scientists 

An open letter signed has been signed by over 400 leading UK climate scientists urging all political parties to lead on climate action with robust climate policies.


It calls for party leaders to address 5 key areas and states that:


"It is very clear that failure to tackle climate change with sufficient urgency and scale is making the UK and the rest of the world more dangerous and insecure... It is the UK's self-interest for other countries to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible."


Read the letter in full on LSE's website

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