Become a Member...make our mission possible!
Member support is invaluable – it helps us to fund vital resources and training for our trustees and volunteers to effectively carry out our work, run a range of events throughout the year and continually improve our portfolio of projects, partnership work and communications so that we can focus on what really matters: reducing emissions! By becoming a member for just £12 for an entire year, you’ll be actively championing climate action in our community.
Membership Benefits
Whether you want to sign up as an individual or an organisation, for your annual membership contribution you'll receive:
our monthly newsletter delivered straight to your inbox
quarterly impact updates
a copy of our Annual Report before public publishing
a direct invitation to our AGM, where you can have your say on ZCH's key priorities for the year ahead
the opportunity to shape the aims and objectives of our work to drive climate action in the local area
Throughout the year we'll also keep you in the loop about what other local climate action groups are doing, highlight sustainability networking and social events, offer key opportunities to get more involved and bring you special membership-only offers and invite-only events whenever possible.
If you would like to enjoy these benefits by joining as a ZCH member and help support local climate action directly, please complete our form here and make your payment using one of the three methods listed below.
Thank you for your support!
*Annual membership rates: Individuals
£12 per person standard annual donation – if you wish to contribute more, you can.
£6 unwaged/student
*Annual membership rates: Businesses/organisations
£10 for 1-20 employees
£25 for 21-100 employees
£50 for 101-250 employees
£100 for 251+ employees
FREE - to charities and community groups
All annual memberships run from January - December.
Membership Form
Payment methods
For ease and accessibility, we have three clear and convenient payment methods that you can use:
1. click our 'Pay Now' button for quickest, easiest way to make your payment online
2. set up a one off or reoccurring bank transfer
3. send us a cheque in the post
If you choose to use either payment method 2 or 3, please make sure to include your full name so that we cross-check your payment with your membership.
Payment method 1
Online Transaction
Please click the 'Pay Now' button for the quickest, easiest way to make your payment online. If you are unable to do this, please make your payment using one of our alternative methods listed here.
Payment method 2
Bank Transfer
If you are unable to make your payment online, please make a bank transfer payment to:
Bank: The Co-operative Bank
Account name: Zero Carbon Harrogate
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account No: 65819650
Payment method 3
Send a cheque
Zero Carbon Harrogate
11 Russell Street
Data Protection
Your personal details will only be used to contact you via email with regard to Zero Carbon Harrogate news, events and information. Your details will NOT be shared with any third parties without your express permission.